The key principle underpinning our policy and practice is that all those who have experienced abuse, whether recently or in the past 'will be listened to and offered the pastoral care and support they deem appropriate and relevant, irrespective of type of abuse, context, or when this occurred' (General Assembly policy statement 2021)
This policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. Protecting children, adults at risk, staff, volunteers and anyone who comes into our Church.
This policy has been approved and endorsed by the Elders of this church. Underpinning this policy is our theology and values and a willingness to comply with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
We have a duty of care to all beneficiaries of the church. We will always maintain confidentiality, except in circumstances where to do so would place the individual or another individual at risk of harm or abuse.
We are committed to creating a safer culture within our church. Preventing harm from occurring and providing an environment where all can flourish.
To this end we have a Safeguarding Coordinator whose contact details are at the bottom of this policy. They are supported by a safeguarding panel, the Safeguarding services of the Church of Scotland and the United Reformed Church.
This policy is reviewed annually. We adhere to safer recruitment procedures for both paid and volunteer roles.
All members of our Safeguarding Panel and anyone who has contact with vulnerable groups within our church are kept up to date with safeguarding training and certificates.
We are aware, ready to listen and respond appropriately.
Where allegations are made against individuals within the church, we are committed to following all required investigative and regulatory procedures. We will work in collaboration with the URC and the Church of Scotland safeguarding bodies.
Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Pam Brindley - [email protected]
Morningside United Church, Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh
This policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. Protecting children, adults at risk, staff, volunteers and anyone who comes into our Church.
This policy has been approved and endorsed by the Elders of this church. Underpinning this policy is our theology and values and a willingness to comply with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
We have a duty of care to all beneficiaries of the church. We will always maintain confidentiality, except in circumstances where to do so would place the individual or another individual at risk of harm or abuse.
We are committed to creating a safer culture within our church. Preventing harm from occurring and providing an environment where all can flourish.
To this end we have a Safeguarding Coordinator whose contact details are at the bottom of this policy. They are supported by a safeguarding panel, the Safeguarding services of the Church of Scotland and the United Reformed Church.
This policy is reviewed annually. We adhere to safer recruitment procedures for both paid and volunteer roles.
All members of our Safeguarding Panel and anyone who has contact with vulnerable groups within our church are kept up to date with safeguarding training and certificates.
We are aware, ready to listen and respond appropriately.
Where allegations are made against individuals within the church, we are committed to following all required investigative and regulatory procedures. We will work in collaboration with the URC and the Church of Scotland safeguarding bodies.
Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Pam Brindley - [email protected]
Morningside United Church, Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh