A Poem by Teresa DaviesMoments from the memory Times of pure delight From years of changing life. Times of new achievements, New skills of hand and eye. And life and limb. Reading, swimming, riding, A fairy cycle through the village, And getting though the driving test, All such great elations. Learning to observe the world, Seeing the beauty all around, The foam of crashing seas, Sunset’s glorious glow, Icebergs, and great glaciers The waddling walk of penguins And the growling gait of polar bears, And overall the mysterious magnificence Of the Aurora Borealis flickering in the night In awesome power and beauty. The revelations of such moments Bringing such contentment and delight. Above all these, The awesomeness of love, and its return, Of lover, child and grandchild. All of these stored in memory’s box, Unpacked from time to time, Such riches so sublime, And I am truly blest In all my happiest times.
If you are struggling to know how to pray for today’s situation in Ukraine, we invite you to pray this prayer:
Heavenly Father, Your will for your people is peace, not war. Pour out on our world, especially in Eastern Europe, your Spirit of compassion and solidarity. Grant all those who believe in you the strength to be close to those who suffer and the courage to resolve their differences and conflicts in truth and without resort to arms. Be with the widow, the orphan, the refugee and the peacemaker. Bind us all into the peace of your Kingdom. Through Christ our Lord, Amen Prayer written by Father Damian Howard |
AboutThe Link is a monthly publication by members and staff of Morningside United Church. Archives