We thank Thee O Lord for our friends.
Help us remember all human love is a beam of Thy light.
Take from our hearts all selfishness, all jealousies and possessiveness.
May we seek at all times to give and not get.
Keep us ever open to Thy love in Christ Jesus,
that our love may communicate and reflect Thine own,
and our friendship become a gateway to Thee.
Oh God, who strengthens us so that we may strengthen others...
Kindle in our hearts a flame of love for Thee and our fellow man.
Help us so to live that our lives may witness to Thy power.
Help us by deeds of love and mercy to show forth Thy praise.
Help us also, as we have opportunity to reveal to others what Thou has done for us,
that they may share our experiences and open their hearts to Thy Grace.
Oh God, who called us to fight the good fight of faith...
Help us to stand against all that would assail us from within and without and having done all to stand.
Help us all take our place in the fight against evil in the world, trusting in Thy Holy Spirit -
That Thy rule of love will be established in all the relationships of men and nations.
Oh God, help us in this world of change and chance - to reflect on Thine unchanging love.
By the memory of all Thy mercies and by the recollection of all that has the power to cheer and comfort our hearts,
Kindle within our minds the lamp of undying gratitude.
Make us conscious - when life is crowded by fear of doubt -
of those experiences that give us strength and hope and renew our confidence in Thee.
-Written by the grandmother of one of our congregants.
Help us remember all human love is a beam of Thy light.
Take from our hearts all selfishness, all jealousies and possessiveness.
May we seek at all times to give and not get.
Keep us ever open to Thy love in Christ Jesus,
that our love may communicate and reflect Thine own,
and our friendship become a gateway to Thee.
Oh God, who strengthens us so that we may strengthen others...
Kindle in our hearts a flame of love for Thee and our fellow man.
Help us so to live that our lives may witness to Thy power.
Help us by deeds of love and mercy to show forth Thy praise.
Help us also, as we have opportunity to reveal to others what Thou has done for us,
that they may share our experiences and open their hearts to Thy Grace.
Oh God, who called us to fight the good fight of faith...
Help us to stand against all that would assail us from within and without and having done all to stand.
Help us all take our place in the fight against evil in the world, trusting in Thy Holy Spirit -
That Thy rule of love will be established in all the relationships of men and nations.
Oh God, help us in this world of change and chance - to reflect on Thine unchanging love.
By the memory of all Thy mercies and by the recollection of all that has the power to cheer and comfort our hearts,
Kindle within our minds the lamp of undying gratitude.
Make us conscious - when life is crowded by fear of doubt -
of those experiences that give us strength and hope and renew our confidence in Thee.
-Written by the grandmother of one of our congregants.